Welcome to Harokopio University of Athens!
The Erasmus+ Programme, through KA131 action, gives the opportunity to the members of the Teaching Staff to conduct an Erasmus mobility for teaching in a Partner Country Higher Education Institution for at least 5 days and 8 hours of teaching minimum, offering them the chance to pass on their knowledge to the new teaching environment, transferring this way the European culture and in the same time earning themselves a different and valuable experience.
The same opportunity is given to the members of the administrative staff that can conduct an Erasmus mobility for training for 5 days and they can gain new skills and share good practices with their colleagues abroad
In order to come to the Harokopio University of Athens as an Erasmus+ incoming staff, Teaching and Administrative Staff should go directly to a department as it is the department’s responsibility to decide whether or not to accept a visitor. The hosting department is responsible for organizing a program based on the interests of the visitor.
- Visitors for teaching mobility must be employed by a partner institution of the Harokopio University of Athens with a valid agreement for staff exchanges. It is not mandatory for training mobility.
- Financial support is provided by the home institution of the visitor.
- Visitors should ensure they have adequate medical insurance.
Visit the website of the Harokopio University of Athens and identify the department you would like to visit. Contact the relevant person at the department and discuss your interest.